Nikken Mattress Topper

Alert : Nikken launched a new website on Feb. 22. If you have ordered from Nikken before (you have an account) please click this link to see what you need to do differently to place your first order (only your first order) on the new site.

You need a good night sleep, right? You can’t function without it. You try to make do with caffeine, but a good night’s sleep would do wonders. The first place to look is the environment that you sleep in and the surface that you sleep on. Maybe a Kenko Naturest Fit mattress pad can help. Read on.

Nikken magnetic mattress pad

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Do you get a great night’s sleep just about every night? You get to sleep quickly, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up in the morning feeling great and well-rested?

If you do, then you know it is absolutely fantastic. If you don’t, then you need to experience this.

Having a great night’s sleep, or even a good night’s sleep is absolutely essential. Here are some of the effects of not getting enough sleep:

You have to get good sleep every night. That’s all there is to it.

What’s New About the Naturest Fit?

Nikken stopped selling the Naturest toppers last year because they couldn’t get enough latex due to Covid. The new Fit is made from Rubberthane foam like the old Ultra Kenko Pads were made from.

The Kenko Fit is a lot thinner than the older toppers, so you will have an easier time finding fitted sheets to fit over top of everything. It should also stay in place on top of your mattress a lot better than the loose toppers did too.

The biggest thing you will notice (if you have looked into the older toppers) is that price is a LOT less. And because they are thinner, they won’t cost as much to ship and will probably ship through UPS instead of a separate freight company.

Sleep is Important. Will a Magnetic Mattress Pad Really Help?

A magnetic mattress topper has helped a lot of people get great sleep.

Some companies make medical claims that their magnetic pads will cure diseases such as cancer. Regardless of whether they do or not, static magnets are not approved by the FDA for “treating” the body and therefore anyone making such claims runs the risk of being investigated by the FDA and put out of business. You won’t hear me making any such claims on this website even though people have had some amazing experiences with the Nikken magnetic mattress pad.

Why Sleep on a Nikken Mattress Topper

Nikken has been making magnets since 1975 and making magnetic mattress pads since 1979, so they know some things about magnets. Until October 2009 the Nikken mattress toppers have been made from a dense synthetic foam with 800 gauss magnets laid out basically in a grid. My family still sleeps on these pads and we sleep great.

In October 2009 Nikken introduced the next magnetic mattress pad, the Kenko Naturest Mattress Topper . This is a complete departure from the previous pads. The pad itself was now made from natural latex rubber, a material that keeps its shape better than synthetic foam and provides natural resistance to microbes, so it isn’t saturated with toxic chemicals. They used a magnetic arrangement called RAM, then Spyder-RAM, to create a dynamic 3-D magnetic field.

The latest topper, just introduced on October 23, 2015, uses the same natural latex foam for comfort, durability and freedom from toxic chemicals. What has changed is the magnets. Nikken has replaced the RAM magnets with DynaFlux magnetic nodes that create a much bigger magnetic field without having the increase the size of the magnets. They also cost less, so the current Kenko Naturest DynaFlux Mattress Topper costs less than the previous topper did. This means that you get better magnetic coverage in the same quality pad for less money out of your pocket.

Get Price and Buy a Nikken Magnetic Mattress Pad

To check the price and order a Nikken Naturest mattress topper just click the image below. You will be taken to a new page where you can see the price and use an online shopping cart. You can also call or email me if you prefer. My contact information is at the top of this page next to my picture.


As an independent Nikken wellness consultant I do not represent or speak for Nikken. The contents of this website represent my opinions based on my use of my Nikken magnetic mattress pad and those of my customers who also have one. None of these statements have been reviewed or approved by the FDA. I am a massage therapist and therefore unable to diagnose, treat, or prescribe a Nikken mattress pad for specific conditions.

85 Responses to Nikken Mattress Topper

Ellen Wood says:

I have an older Nikken mattress topper. I have had a knee replacement and my replacement is a Colbalt Chrome knee is it safe to start back to sleeping on my topper. My doctor did not answer question.

Hi Ellen. That is a medical question that you have to ask a doctor. If your doctor didn’t answer you face-to-face then call their office and ask. Surely someone there can tell you if the components respond to magnets or not.

Bernadette says:

Is it ok to lay on the magnetic topper for 20 hours a day? what about if you have 2 stainless steel pins in your leg . The pins are in the front of my leg and I sleep on my back ?

Hi Bernadette. I recommend that you ask your doctor first. Stainless steel isn’t pure iron, so it won’t respond as strongly, but it does still contain a significant percentage of iron. Your doctor should know how strongly the pins will respond to a weak magnetic field.

Laura says:

Hi, I have an opportunity to get the pad second hand for a fabulous price. However it’s a queen and we need a full. Is it ok to trim to size? Thanks

Hi Laura. If I were buying it at a fabulous price I would be tempted to try to cut it down. There are a few challenges to consider though. One, you’re going to lose some magnets, so you need to make sure that there are still magnets where you will lay on it at the smaller size. Then you will probably need to somehow seal the cut areas so that the foam doesn’t pull apart over time. I think it will probably crumble at the rough edge. Then you need to somehow make the cover smaller so that the pad doesn’t move around a lot as you sleep on it. I think it will be a lot of work.

Gail Felts says:

Wayne, My name is Gail and I live in Nashville, TN. I have a full size mattress pad that is the old style eggshell type with magnets that I want to sell for $50.00. You would need to pay for shipping. I did not use it as I was a distributor years ago and used it to show people. I did not loan it out as the products are costly and some smaller items I did not get back when I loaned them out. It has been in its black Nikken bag in my closet and is in really good shape! I can send you photos.

Hi Gail. Thanks for the offer but I will pass. I have the current version of the mattress topper and I like it a lot better than any of the previous ones.

Karen Rice says: We are interested in purchasing a king mattress topper . Hi Karen. I will let you know as soon as I hear that Nikken has them again. Teressa Ondre says:

After 3 back surgeries, last one 7 level fusion; I would like to have a magnetic mattress topper. We 2 twin beds. Can you help? I used to work for Nikken back in the nineties, I know they work.

Yikes! That’s a lot of surgeries. I will let you know as soon as Nikken has them back in stock. Evonne Maas says:

How grateful I was to find your Nikken blog! You have helped so many people.
Hubby and I gave distributorship the old college try in the 1990’s along with two close friends, but it didn’t last long. Missouri might be the “show-me state,” but we soon became aware that Wisconsin is the “prove it to me and I still won’t believe it” state! That said, here is my current problem:
I bought a demo pad on ebay about 5 years ago and some of the magnets were clumped in bunches. We called Nikken in L.A. and were told to glue them back in with a hot glue gun. Many are again clumped together. Don’t know if they are the re-glued ones or different ones.
In checking what kind of glue might be a better choice for gluing magnets to foam, it got quite complicated…
Like: which are best on
–open- vs closed-cell foam (looks like from 2009 on, Nikken’s were open-celled, but nowhere was it mentioned what the older ones were).
–natural or synthetic foam (again Nikken’s newer ones are natural, but nothing said anything about the older ones).
Also couldn’t find anything about gluing magnets-to-foam or foam-to-magnets anywhere!
In today’s search, I also read that heat from glue guns can diminish the intensity of the magnets, so we don’t want to use that again.
My last inquiry is about which side of the magnet to glue down and which side should be facing up. All of the loose magnets have a subtle waffle pattern on one side and an indented dot in the center of the other side. All but TWO of the magnets still glued to the pad are waffle-side up. I honestly don’t remember which way we glued them last time, but that might explain why two are different. Per a post on your blog from Mike Sellards on February 18, 2012 asking if the positive or negative side should be up (and that too was confusing because he said that on one “pad,” the magnets were positive side down and on the other “pad” the magnets were negative side down), your reply a little over an hour later was, “Hey Mike. The magnets definitely go on top. They should be alternating though. Some of the magnets should be positive side up and other have the negative side up. They shouldn’t all be the same.” Now I’m more confused as I’m thinking the two different patterns on the magnets designate which side is positive and which side is negative, and again, all but 2 on my pad are waffle-pattern up.
Hoping you can “address this mess” for me, please.

Hi Evonne. Here are the answers to the easy questions. If you have a pad from the 90’s then it is definitely synthetic foam. Nikken only started using natural latex with the Naturest pads. As for the glue, I’d use something strong like superglue or Gorilla glue. You use a hot glue gun for craft projects and I’m sure the glue wouldn’t hold a craft project together if you slept on it either. I’m really not sure about how to orient the magnets when you glue them in. Your pad is older than mine and most likely a different version because they changed every few years. The best I can suggest is to study the magnets for glue residue. If there is still some of the original glue stuck to the magnets then you can figure out if they all went in the same way or if they alternated. Also, glue residue in the pad would show your where the magnets went. I apologize that I can’t be more help than that.

I have an older Ultra KenkoPad. Both sides have the egg shaped magnets, impossible to tell the difference between them. I have lost the tag that used to tell you which way to lay it correctly. The zip is at one end and the care instructions are at the opposite end (facing the side I sleep on). I did the screw driver test on both sides and magnets still work. It is a queen size pad. Can you please tell me the correct way to place it on the bed.
At present zip is facing my head and care instructions at my feet, is this the right way up?
Appreciate your help

Hi Sally. I think you have it right. I have the same pad and the “Under penalty of law” tag hangs off the foot of the bed. It is stitched in just under the border that goes around the edge of the pad. The zipper goes across the head end of the pad.

karen Richardson says:

Hi. My husband has two drug alluding stents in his right coronary artery. Is it safe for him to continue sleeping on our magnetic topper?

Always check with your doctor first, but it should be OK. The stents shouldn’t contain iron or respond to magnets.

Elisabeth says:

We have a Nikken mattress we bought in 2000. It has served us well but because it was
Too firm we have used a 3inch foam pad for a few years. My husband just received a pacemaker and we understand that anything magnetic should be no closer than 6 inches from the device. Where in this 6 inch tall mattress are the magnets?
Can we turn the mattress over to create adequate clearance?

The magnets are on the top surface of the mattress pad. If your husband has a pacemaker then he shouldn’t use the mattress at all. Even if you flip it over and lay on it, the mattress will compress and he is still less than 6 inches from the magnets. Besides, at 18 years old, it’s probably time for a new (non-magnetic in your husband’s case) mattress anyway.

Daniel says:

Do you still sell the Kenkopad topper for massage tables? I did not see it offered when I clicked the link. My brother’s measured 72″ x 29″. If so, can you provide a link for this topper, and how much does it cost?
Thank you.

Hi Daniel. Yes, the demo topper is still available while supplies last. You can find it here on the Nikken website.

Would you get any effect if you used the wrong side of the mattress? I don’t find it uncomfortable, but still prefer a smooth mattress

Hi Liz. You should still get some effect sleeping on the bottom of the pad but it will be greatly reduced because the magnets are on the other side of the pad.